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A new database, Stop the Harm, exposes shocking information about the impact of “gender medicine” on vulnerable young people. Since 2019, nearly 14,000 minors have undergone radical “transgender” interventions (hormones and surgery) in U.S. hospitals and pediatric facilities—including Catholic facilities– according to new insurance data. These interventions yielded nearly 120 million dollars ($119, 791, 202) for complicit healthcare institutions, but exacted a perilously high price from young people who face lifelong impaired fertility and sexual functioning and higher risks of cardiovascular, liver, metabolic, and mental health complications from the “transgender” body modifications. 

Catholic Vote reported on the Catholic healthcare facilities listed in the database, finding that “the nation’s fourth-largest Catholic healthcare system [Providence] has been caught mutilating kids through gender transition surgeries – violating the teachings of the Catholic Church.” In addition, “170 children were subjected to transgender surgeries, and 508 children received cross-sex hormones or puberty blockers at Catholic hospitals over the last five years alone.” 

 The new database is the work of the medical advocacy group, Do No Harm, which “represents physicians, nurses, medical students, patients, and policymakers focused on keeping identity politics out of medical education, research, and clinical practice.” The Stop the Harm” database breaks down the medical interventions in minors according to the type of interventions (hormonal or surgical), includes the total prescription count, and tallies the amounts charged. The database is searchable by the name of the healthcare facility within each state. Do No Harm also turns a spotlight on the “dirty dozen,” a list of “the 12 worst-offending children’s hospitals promoting [attempted] sex change treatments for minors,” as well as the top ten billing providers and healthcare institutions.  

Do No Harm’s key headlines to this story are listed below: (source: Do No Harm’s Twitter thread) 

  • “It turns out that the child trans industry is a lucrative one: Between 2019 and 2023, hospitals submitted more than $100 million in claims for these experimental treatments on children.” 
  • “During this time, 13,994 children were given irreversible and damaging gender treatments at U.S. based medical facilities, including children’s hospitals, non-children’s hospitals, and affiliated institutions. By all accounts, this is a conservative estimate.” 
  • “5,747 children underwent a sex-change surgical procedure. 8,579 children received cross-sex hormones or puberty blockers. Over 60K prescriptions for these drugs were written for children.” 
  • “According to our research, the top three worst offending hospitals are Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Connecticut Children’s Hospital, and Children’s Minnesota Specialty Center. These hospitals and their leadership teams are leading the charge in child-trans activism and interventions at their facilities and beyond.” 
  • “Unfortunately, the top offenders don’t end there. “The Dirty Dozen” refers to the top 12 worst offending hospitals. Is your local hospital one of them? Parents, lawmakers, and the public should check. And that is exactly who this database is for. It’s time that the public has full access to this information.” 
  • “Here is how we did it: Our team analyzed publicly available insurance claims data for children ages 0-17.5 at the time of the treatment. All of these children had a diagnosis code related to gender dysphoria and received hormonal or surgical interventions. This includes commercial insurance claims, in addition to Medicaid, Medicare, Tricare, and Veterans Affairs insurance.” 
  • “BOTTOM LINE: Over 90% of children with gender dysphoria will grow out of that belief during their adolescent and young adult years. Almost 14 thousand children throughout the United States were NOT given that option. It is time to #StopTheHarm.” 

To stay up to date on this tragic, mercenary exploitation of youth, see “Stop the Harm Database” for more details.