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When this nightmare is over, I would like to see every single gender doctor who has ever written a puberty-blocking or cross-sex-hormones prescription, or has performed “gender-affirming” surgery, reprimanded for the senseless mutilation of our children, whether the victims are minors or young adults.

Originally Published by Pitt through Substack


I was watching an Agatha Christie mystery the other day on TV – “The Moving Finger” starring Miss Marple as an astute older lady who notices every detail of her surroundings and solves murder mysteries for fun.  A village in England she was visiting was being overrun with very dark “poison pen” type letters, of the “I know you’re cheating on your wife” variety.  Everyone in the village was getting one and everyone was very concerned.  Then, the wife of a prominent citizen was found murdered.  Who did it?  Miss Marple considered that once you eliminate all the noise of the letters, you always have to consider the husband as a possible suspect when a married woman has been murdered.  And sure enough, the husband was the murderer.

Which brings me to gender ideology and the dystopian nightmare we now face.  Our children are being injured and mutilated and are being turned against us.  Who is to blame?  There are so many contenders: willing doctors, greedy surgeons, cheerleader psychologists, the internet, chat groups, video games, isolation due to COVID, delusional teachers and counselors, mentally disturbed philosophers and writers, drug companies, willing insurance companies, anime, porn, lawmakers, probably a few others.  But if you take away the noise, and look at this phenomenon from 10,000 feet, who is doing the actual harm?  The answer is clear: gender doctors.  A child or young adult has a feeling, a notion, a discomfort, or as Dickens famously said, “A bit of undigested beef”, sometimes quite deeply felt, maybe for a short while, maybe for a long while.  In any case, parents of young kids are told the only treatment is a regimen of body-altering drugs and surgeries.  Many older kids and young adults with this discomfort demand drugs and surgeries from shocked parents and willing gender doctors.  Doctors respond either as a genie out of a bottle compelled to do the bidding of the requester (albeit with flawed, damaging magic), or as a Nazi foot soldier mindlessly following “guidelines”.  Either way, gender doctors hand out drugs and perform surgeries like a fast-food chain sells hamburgers.  Gender clinic websites are insanely creepy.  “Self-referrals” are accepted and you typically see a menu of drugs and surgeries that are offered in the same spirit as fries, burgers, and milkshakes.

Gender doctors are the bad guys. Why? Because gender doctors are mutilating young adults and kids with drugs and surgeries with no hesitation or concern for the life-long consequences of their actions.  They are destroying families as addled kids become estranged from their parents.  They are meddling in psychiatric medicine, a field of medicine in which they have no business and usually no training.  Gender medicine is the only field of medicine where treatments to a patient with a perfectly healthy body are guaranteed to cause unfathomable pain, deep sorrow and anger in parents and other relatives of the patient, regardless of whether the treatments are “successful” or not.  It’s time for gender doctors to feel our anger and wake up to the hatred we have of everything they do.

Will these modern-day witch doctors ever be held accountable for their ghastly actions?  When this nightmare is over, I would like to see every single gender doctor who has ever written a puberty-blocking or cross-sex-hormones prescription, or has performed “gender-affirming” surgery, reprimanded for the senseless mutilation of our children, whether the victims are minors or young adults.  These doctors should be put on trial for the injuries they have caused.  I can hear the defense now, “But I was just following (WPATH) guidelines…”.  Hmm.  That sounds familiar.  Oh I remember, “But I was just following orders…”  I think the senseless mutilation of healthy bodies counts as “crimes against humanity”, and gender doctors are guilty of these crimes.  Their time to be held accountable will come.

Until then, what can we do?  Remove gender doctors from this nightmare train and this movement loses the engine that is powering the mutilation of children and young adults.   Gender doctors need to be persuaded that profitable though it may be, “gender” medicine is not worth it.

How?  Violence or threats of violence against gender doctors run into legal problems, so are not sustainable and not recommended.  Maybe mass picketing of gender clinics? Picketing of AMA conventions, headquarters?  I’ve seen this before, although the press never picks it up.  Still, I can think of some great signs that I haven’t seen before: “Jail the gender doctors”, among others.  Another tactic:  I can decide that today I am trans, and who would doubt me? I’ll sign up for an appointment.  What if everyone reading this is trans and needs an appointment?  My how the gender doctors’ schedules would fill up.  Maybe a more forceful approach:  what if every gender doctor is repeatedly told to his face: “You’re breaking your oath.  Stop mutilating our children.”  Or words to that effect.  Too aggressive?  Maybe just the simple question, “Why are you harming our children?”  Has anyone tried this?  Or maybe mass letter writing campaigns? Or social smear campaigns?  Activists of previous generations:  are there any tactics from previous movements that could be applied here?  Successful tactics from either conservative or liberal causes are welcome.  Can anyone think of other ways to communicate to gender doctors that they need to go into another field of medicine?

As parents, we are angry.  This Pied Piper ideology is luring our children out of their homes and into the waiting hands of gender doctors, eager to experiment with their dark, damaging, black magic.  Gender doctors need to become more fully aware of the immense pain and suffering they are causing.  Gender doctors are not healers.  Gender doctors are monsters.  It’s time they hear that message and find a new line of work.