Catholic Teaching, Church Documents,
and Diocesan Policies
From the Vatican
- Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, “Dignitas Infinita” (2024)
- Congregation for Catholic Education, “The Identity of the Catholic School for a Culture of Dialogue” (2022)
- Congregation for Catholic Education, “Male and Female He Created Them” (2019)
- Pope Francis, Amoris Laetitia (particularly note section 56), 2016
- Pope Francis, Laudato Si (particularly note section 155), 2015
- Pope Benedict XVI, Charity, Christian Anthropology and New Global Ethics, 2013
- Pope Benedict XVI, Christmas Greetings to the Roman Curia, 2012
- Pontifical Council For Justice And Peace, Compendium of Social Doctrine (Chapter Five: The Family, The Vital Cell of Society)
United States Bishops
- USCCB: Letter to the Department of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on Grant Rulemaking (September 5, 2023).
- USCCB: “Doctrinal Note on the Moral Limits to Technological Manipulation of the Human Body” (March 20, 2023).
- USCCB: Gender Ideology Teaching Resources
- USCCB: “Created Male and Female: An Open Letter from Religious Leaders” (2017)
Diocesan Policies
- Diocese of Tuscon pastoral letter, “Gender Ideology: New Outlook”
- Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, “Formation of Young People in Catholic Christian Anthropology and Pastoral Accompaniment of Those who Experience Gender Incongruence or Same-Sex Attraction” (2024)
- Archdiocese of Detroit, “The Good News About God’s Plan: A Pastoral Letter on the Challenges of Gender Identity” (2024)
- Diocese of Madison, “Policy on the Human Person: Authentic Human Anthropology, Sexuality, Chastity, and Marriage” (2023)
- See Spanish Translation (2023)
- Diocese of Tulsa, “An Instruction on the Human Person and Pastoral Issues Relating to Identity and Sexuality” (2023)
- See Spanish translation (2023)
- Diocese of Davenport, “Guidelines for Pastoral Accompaniment of Sexual and Gender Minorities” (2023)
- Archdiocese of San Francisco pastoral letter, “The Body-Soul Unity of the Human Person” (2023)
- Diocese of Cleveland, “Parish and School Policy on Issues of Sexuality and Gender Identity” (2023)
- Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, “On the Unity of Body and Soul: Accompanying Those Experiencing Gender Dysphoria” by Archbishop Paul Coakley (2023)
- Diocese of Worcester, “Catholic Education and the Human Person” A diocesan policy for schools regarding sexuality and sexual identity, (2023)
- Diocese of Baker, “A Body You Prepared for Me” (2023)
- Diocese of Boise, “A Catholic Response to Gender Identity Theory” (2023)
- Archdiocese of Baltimore, “LGBT Pastoral Accompaniment” (2023)
- Archdiocese of Portland, “A Catholic Response to Gender Identity Theory: Catechesis and Pastoral Guidelines” (2023)
- Diocese of Des Moines, “Gender Identity Guide and Policies” (2023)
- Diocese of Stockton, “Transgender Pastoral Guidelines and Policy” (2022)
- Diocese of Sioux Falls, “Conforming with the Church’s Teaching on Human Sexuality in Education Settings” (2022)
- Diocese of Manchester, “Gender Identity”
- Diocese of Lafayette, “Sexual Identity Policy for Schools” as published in school handbook (pg 63, 2024)
- Diocese of Green Bay, “Education Policy Manual” (2022)
- Archdiocese of Omaha, “Pastoral Guidelines for Gender Dysphoria” (2022)
- Archdiocese of Omaha, “Gender Policy for Schools” (2022)
- Archdiocese of Milwaukee, “Catechesis and Policy on Questions Concerning Gender Theory” (2022)
- Diocese of Saginaw, “Questions and Answers about LGBTQ+ and Gender Identity that Catholic Educators, Catechists and Youth Ministers may Find Helpful” (2022)
- Diocese of Charleston, “Policy on the Human Person: Created Male and Female as a Constitutive Aspect of the Human Person” (2021)
- See Spanish here
- Diocese of Marquette, “Created in the Image and Likeness of God: An Instruction on Some Aspects of the Pastoral Care of Persons with Same-Sex Attraction and Gender Dysphoria” (2021)
- Archdiocese of Seattle, “Final Report of the Archdiocesan Task Force on the Ministerial Covenant” (2021)
- Diocese of Arlington, “A Catechesis on the Human Person and Gender Ideology” (2021)
- See Spanish translation here
- Archbishop Carlson, “Compassion and Challenge: Reflections on gender ideology,” July 31, 2020. (Now-retired bishop of St. Louis, MO)
- Archdiocese of St. Louis, “Hope and Holiness: Pastoral Care for Those with Same-Sex Attraction”
- Diocese of Salina, “Gender Identity Policy Statement” (2021)
- Archdiocese of Denver, “The Splendor of the Human Person: A Catholic Vision of the Person and Sexuality” (2021)
- Diocese of Toledo, “Policy Statement on Gender-Related Matters”
- Diocese of Lansing, “Policy on the Human Body as a Constitutive Aspect of the Human Person” (2021)
- Accompanying Theological Guide: “The Human Person and Gender Dysphoria“
- Diocese of Fairbanks, “Pastoral Guide to Gender Identity” (2020)
- Diocese of Springfield, “Pastoral Guide on Gender Identity” (2020)
- Archdiocese of Indianapolis Pastoral Letter, “We are One in Christ: A Pastoral Letter on Fundamentals of Christian Anthropology” (2018)
- Catholic Bishops of Minnesota, “Guiding Principles for Catholic Schools and Religious Education Concerning Human Sexuality and Sexual Identity” (2019)
- Catholic Bishops of Alaska, “Living in the Image and Likeness of God: Human Dignity and Divine Designs” (2018)
- See Spanish translation here
International Bishops and Policies
- Norwegian Christian Ecumenical Project, “A Joint Christian Declaration on ‘Diversity of Gender and Sexuality’” (2024)
- Bishop Erik Varden (Norway), “Conversation with Javier Arias” (2024)
- Refer to question that says “In the pastoral letter published by the Scandinavian bishops…”
- Bishop Erik Varden (Norway), “Conversation with Javier Arias” (2024)
- Diocese of Nottingham Pastoral Letter, “Precious In My Sight” (2024)
- Archdiocese of Hobart Pastoral Letter, “We are Salt to the Earth” (2024)
- Catholic Bishops of England and Wales (A Pastoral Reflection), “Intricately Woven by the Lord” (2024)
- Archdiocese of St. Andrews and Edinburgh, Bishops Urge Scottish Government to Reject ‘Conversion Therapy’ Report (2023)
- Nordic bishops, “Letter on Human Sexuality” (2023)
- Available in Norwegian, Polish, Italian, French, German, and Spanish.
- Cardinal Willem Eijk, Netherlands: “Is Medicine Losing its Way? A Firm Foundation for Medicine as a Real Therapeia”
- 7th Anscombe Memorial Lecture (video)
- Cardinal Willem Eijk, Netherlands: “Encyclical Condemning Gender is Necessary and Urgent”
- Cardinal Willem Eijk, Netherlands: “‘Gender Theory’ is a ‘threat’ to proclamation of the Gospel”
- Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Teaching on Gender Identity Encyclical of Ukrainian Synod of Bishops Concerning the Danger of Gender Ideology
- Bishop Robert Barron and Bishop David O’Connell response to the “Failure of U.S. Senate to Advance Protections for Female Athletes” (2025)
- Bishop Robert Barron and Bishop David O’Connell, “We Welcome the President’s Executive Order that Protects Opportunities for Women and Girls to Compete in Sports Safely and Fairly,” (2025)
- Bishop Robert Barron, USCCB, “Helping Young People Accept Their Bodies and Their Vocation as Women and Men is the True Path of Freedom and Happiness” (2025)
- Bishop James Conley; Diocese of Lincoln, “Catholic Hospitals Must Protect Children from Gender Ideology” (2024)
- Bishop James Conley; Diocese of Lincoln, “The Joy and Wonder of Catholic Education: Developing Authentically Catholic Schools” (2024)
- Bishop James Conley; Diocese of Lincoln, “A Future with Hope: A Pastoral Letter on Mental Health” (2024)
- Bishop Kevin Rhoades; Diocese of Fort-Wayne-South Bend, “Health Care that Truly Heals Must be Grounded in Truth” (2024)
- Bishop Kevin Rhoades; Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, “Saint Mary’s Compromising its Identity as A Catholic Woman’s College” (2023)
- Catholic Medical Association, The Ideology of Gender Harms Children (2023)
- Religious Freedom Institute Crisis Toolkit for Religious Institutions
- A statement from Dubuque IA Archbishop Michael Jackels (November 2022)
- Ohio Catholic Conference: Statement from the Bishops’ Religious Freedom Advisory Committee
- Bishop Robert McManus; Diocese of Worcester: Why Symbols Matter (2022)
- Bishop James Conley; Nebraska: The Truth Will set us Free
- National Catholic Bioethics Center, Statement on Transgenderism