Support and Counseling

Offers resources to find Catholic counselors available to you

Offers resources to find Catholic therapists and provides therapist profiles for you to learn more about what each therapist believes and how they incorporate these beliefs into their work.

Catholic Psychotherapy Association

This is a professional association of Catholic psychotherapists who provide psychotherapy in a manner faithful to Catholic teaching. Their members’ directory lists individual therapists by state.

Catholic Charities

In most dioceses, Catholic Charities offers marriage and family counseling on a sliding fee scale. It varies from diocese to diocese on how familiar the counselors are with identity issues and their degree of commitment to Catholic teaching on this issue. Counselors affiliated with Catholic Charities in the Arlington diocese, for example, are committed to faithful application of Catholic teachings in their work.

CatholicPsych Institute

Founded by Dr. Greg Bottaro, they provide services and resource based on teh integration of faithful Catholic anthropology with sound psychological science to help people become who God created them to be.

Courage International

Courage is an apostolate for men and women who experience same-sex attraction. It provides spiritual support, formation, and fellowship.

Encourage provides spiritual support and fellowship to parents, spouses, siblings, and friends of people who identify as LGBTQ. Encourage chapters are open to families of those who identify as transgender.

Chastity Project 

Resources and blogs that address “LGBTQ” issues from a Catholic perspective

Truth and Love

The Truth and Love website provides a wide array of resources, ranging from theological perspectives on human sexuality and chastity, to health and wellbeing, to providing authentic pastoral care for individuals experiencing same-sex attraction or identifying as transgender. Many of the resources here are especially designed to support and inform priests, religious, and counselors in providing compassionate care.

Alpha-Omega Clinic 

They provide “quality mental health services integrated with the fullness of the Catholic faith” and are located in the North Virginia area.

Veritas Counseling and Coaching

Offers counseling from Catholic therapists in the Northern Virginia and Maryland area.

National Catholic Bioethics Center

The National Catholic Bioethics provides education, guidance, and resources to the Church and society to uphold the dignity of the human person in health care and biomedical research. The NCBC provides helpful resources on a variety of issues, including gender ideology.