Research and Evidence

Puberty Blockers and Cross-sex Hormones

Medical/Surgical Transition

Sex Education


  • Dr. Lisa Littman’s groundbreaking research into the motivations and experiences of de-transitioners offers insight for anyone considering a “gender transition” or detransitioning, as well as for those who love them.
  • A study by German researcher Elie Vandenbussche explores the self-described needs of detransitioners and the lack of appropriate medical and psychological care available for them.  [Vandenbussche E. Detransition-Related Needs and Support: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey. J Homosex. 2021 Apr 30:1-19. doi: 10.1080/00918369.2021.1919479. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33929297.]
  • Detransition: A Real and Growing Phenomena, Society for Evidence-based Gender Medicine

Mental Health
