Same-Sex Attraction






  • Courage International

    • Courage is an apostolate for men and women who experience same-sex attraction. It provides spiritual support, formation, and fellowship.
    • Encourage provides spiritual support and fellowship to parents, spouses, siblings, and friends of people who identify as LGBTQ.
    • Courage/EnCourage conference presentations (2011-2024)
  • Chastity Project

    • Founded by Jason and Crystalina Evert, The Chastity Project provides resources and guidance on a host of issues relating the human sexuality and the dignity of the person.
  • Truth and Love

    • The Truth and Love website provides a wide array of resources, ranging from theological perspectives on human sexuality and chastity, to health and wellbeing, to providing authentic pastoral care for individuals experiencing same-sex attraction or identifying as transgender. Many of the resources here are especially designed to support and inform priests, religious, and counselors in providing compassionate care.
