Diocesan Policies and Other Resources
Diocesan Policies
- Archdiocese of Detroit, “The Good News About God’s Plan: A Pastoral Letter on the Challenges of Gender Identity” (2024)
- Diocese of Madison, “Policy on the Human Person: Authentic Human Anthropology, Sexuality, Chastity, and Marriage” (2023)
- See Spanish Translation (2023)
- Diocese of Tulsa, “An Instruction on the Human Person and Pastoral Issues Relating to Identity and Sexuality” (2023)
- See Spanish translation (2023)
- Diocese of Davenport, “Guidelines for Pastoral Accompaniment of Sexual and Gender Minorities” (2023)
- Archdiocese of San Francisco pastoral letter, “The Body-Soul Unity of the Human Person” (2023)
- Diocese of Cleveland, “Parish and School Policy on Issues of Sexuality and Gender Identity” (2023)
- Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, “On the Unity of Body and Soul: Accompanying Those Experiencing Gender Dysphoria” by Archbishop Paul Coakley (2023)
- Diocese of Worcester, “Catholic Education and the Human Person” A diocesan policy for schools regarding sexuality and sexual identity, (2023)
- Diocese of Baker, “A Body You Prepared for Me” (2023)
- Diocese of Boise, “A Catholic Response to Gender Identity Theory” (2023)
- Archdiocese of Baltimore, “LGBT Pastoral Accompaniment” (2023)
- Archdiocese of Portland, “A Catholic Response to Gender Identity Theory: Catechesis and Pastoral Guidelines” (2023)
- Diocese of Des Moines, “Gender Identity Guide and Policies” (2023)
- Diocese of Stockton, “Transgender Pastoral Guidelines and Policy” (2022)
- Diocese of Sioux Falls, “Conforming with the Church’s Teaching on Human Sexuality in Education Settings” (2022)
- Diocese of Manchester, “Gender Identity”
- Diocese of Lafayette, “Sexual Identity Policy for Schools” as published in school handbook (pg 67, 2022)
- Diocese of Green Bay, “Education Policy Manual” (2022)
- Archdiocese of Omaha, “Pastoral Guidelines for Gender Dysphoria” (2022)
- Archdiocese of Omaha, “Gender Policy for Schools” (2022)
- Archdiocese of Milwaukee, “Catechesis and Policy on Questions Concerning Gender Theory” (2022)
- Diocese of Saginaw, “Questions and Answers about LGBTQ+ and Gender Identity that Catholic Educators, Catechists and Youth Ministers may Find Helpful” (2022)
- Diocese of Charleston, “Policy on the Human Person: Created Male and Female as a Constitutive Aspect of the Human Person” (2021)
- See Spanish here
- Diocese of Marquette, “Created in the Image and Likeness of God: An Instruction on Some Aspects of the Pastoral Care of Persons with Same-Sex Attraction and Gender Dysphoria” (2021)
- Archdiocese of Seattle, “Final Report of the Archdiocesan Task Force on the Ministerial Covenant” (2021)
- Diocese of Arlington, “A Catechesis on the Human Person and Gender Ideology” (2021)
- See Spanish translation here
- Archbishop Carlson, “Compassion and Challenge: Reflections on gender ideology,” July 31, 2020. (Now-retired bishop of St. Louis, MO)
- Archdiocese of St. Louis, “Hope and Holiness: Pastoral Care for Those with Same-Sex Attraction”
- Diocese of Salina, “Gender Identity Policy Statement” (2021)
- Archdiocese of Denver, “The Splendor of the Human Person: A Catholic Vision of the Person and Sexuality” (2021)
- Diocese of Toledo, “Policy Statement on Gender-Related Matters”
- Diocese of Lansing, “Policy on the Human Body as a Constitutive Aspect of the Human Person” (2021)
- Accompanying Theological Guide: “The Human Person and Gender Dysphoria“
- Diocese of Fairbanks, “Pastoral Guide to Gender Identity” (2020)
- Diocese of Springfield, “Pastoral Guide on Gender Identity” (2020)
- Archdiocese of Indianapolis Pastoral Letter, “We are One in Christ: A Pastoral Letter on Fundamentals of Christian Anthropology” (2018)
- Catholic Bishops of Minnesota, “Guiding Principles for Catholic Schools and Religious Education Concerning Human Sexuality and Sexual Identity” (2019)
- Catholic Bishops of Alaska, “Living in the Image and Likeness of God: Human Dignity and Divine Designs” (2018)
- See Spanish translation here
Other Bishops’ Presentations and Statements
- USCCB: “Doctrinal Note on the Moral Limits to Technological Manipulation of the Human Body” (March 20, 2023).
- USCCB: Gender Ideology Teaching Resources
- USCCB: “Created Male and Female: An Open Letter from Religious Leaders” (2017)
- Bishop Robert McMannus, Diocese of Worcester, Massachusetts, “Transgenderism: The Multifaceted Challenges to the Moral Teachings of the Church,” presentation at the Divine Mercy Medicine, Bioethics, and Spirituality Conference, May 2019
- This presentation provides a general perspective as well as comments on Catholic higher education.
- Note: Bishop’s presentation begins at minute 7:35 in the linked video
Administrator and Teaching Resources
- Sophia Press Teachers: Responding to Transgender Ideology has a wide variety of resources that include short videos on “How to Answer Tough Questions” and lesson plans for grades K-12. They also have other helpful resources such as talking points and what the culture says vs. the truth of today’s circumstances.
- Catholic School Playbook, a project of the Ortner Family Foundation, helps schools adopt best practices to improve in all areas. Their resources include a job bank, a parent quiz, interviews with a multitude of Catholic school leaders, a blog, and much more!
- Book Looks provides ratings to books so you can find out what objectionable content may be in your children’s books before they do.
- Ascension Press is an organization that presents the truth and beauty of the Catholic Faith as the path to a fulfilled life and authentic happiness. They share valuable resources, create powerful media, and build communities to answer the longings of the human heart with the transformative power of the Gospel.
- Endow, seeks to educate women toward a more profound understanding of their God-given dignity through study in small group communities of faith and friendship. They have study guides available for youth in middle and high school.
- The Religious Freedom Institute Crisis Toolkit offers practical guidance to help institutions prepare for, mitigate, and respond to crises while remaining faithful to their core convictions, identity, and mission.
- T2 Tough Topics is an educational tool for any parent, youth minister, director religious education, or other adult who wants to provide youth or adults (13+ years old) with knowledge of complicated cultural issues, like gender identity, and practice in challenging conversations
- Parents Defending Education provides an information page on “What Parents Need to Know” which includes resources from questions to ask a school your school to state-by-state complaints
- The Institute for Catholic Liberal Education provides a National Catholic Teaching credential. Learn more here.
- RuahWoods, a Theology of the Body education center that develops age-appropriate curriculum promoting a Catholic vision of the person (and implicitly countering gender ideology) for educators and parents. High school resources also can be used for teacher formation. All resources available online.
- Standards for Christian Anthropology, a set of standards (broad statements used to focus and guide curriculum) based on JPII’s Theology of the Body, sorted by grade level for K-8
- REVEALED: K-5 Curriculum, with lesson plans, exercise worksheets, and online training/support
- Grade 9-12 curriculum “Called to Be More,” with 100% of resources online
- TOBET, The Theology of the Body Evangelization Team
TOBET’s The Body Matters, a Preschool through 8th Grade Program based on St. John Paul’s Theology of the Body with original, non-consumable classroom set books, Educator Guides, including lesson plans and assessments, Parent Guides, and suggested Hybrid Model of classroom use and use at home so parents learn TOB as well.
In Production: This is My BODY: The Body Matters for High School. Having laid down a robust anthropological foundation in their PK-8 TOB program, TOBET is now working to produce formational resources that will directly address the common cultural issues facing high schoolers. Subscribe to their newsletter for updates on this project.