News EPPC Scholars Offer Comments on the Equality Act February 18, 2021 Scholars at the Ethics and Public Policy Center today weighed in on…NewsFebruary 19, 2021
News WATCH: Executive Order on “Gender” is a Threat to Women, Religion On the "World Over" with Raymond Arroyo, Alexandra DeSanctis and Noelle Mering analyze a few…NewsJanuary 29, 2021
News USCCB: Equality Act will “explicitly retract religious freedom” On March 20, 2019, the USCCB Chairmen of the committees for Religious Liberty, the Promotion…NewsJanuary 7, 2021
News Keira Bell: UK High Court hands down a historic judgment to protect vulnerable children In a landmark judgment that will have repercussions around the world the High Court today…NewsDecember 15, 2020