Featured Resources


Precious in My Sight

Desexing Society Podcast

EPPC Amicus Brief

School-Based Health Centers

New! K-8 Parish Catechist Guides

Sex Development Charts

Book Resource: Take Back the Classroom

Pediatricians Release Statement Reviewing Over 60 Studies on Mental Heatlh in Adolescents with Gender Dysphoira

Nationwide Study on Faith and Relationships

Saint Mary’s Compromising its Identity as A Catholic Women’s College

Detransitioner Bill of Rights

The Ideology of Gender Harms Children

Erin Brewer & Advocates Protecting Children

Diocese of Cleveland

Catholic Therapists

LGBT Pastoral Accompaniment

Transgender Identity, Suicide, and Mortality in Denmark

List of School District Transgender Student Policies

Parents Defending Education

19 Must-Read Books for Middle-School Children

From CatholicVote

Navigating Tech With Your Teens

Learn what parents can do from the Institute for Family Studies

New Advisory Warns Against Negative Effects of Social Media on Mental Health

The surgeon general issues a new advisory explaining the effects.

Book Looks

Find out what objectionable content may be in your child’s book before they do.

USSCB’s Doctrinal Note on the Moral Limits to Technological Manipulation of the Human Body

Parents Defending Education


Data Visualization

A State Legislation Tracker

View Here

SFL: Your Child’s Rights

A Parent’s Guide to Saving America’s Public Schools

Read Here

Diocese of Lafayette, LA:

Sexual Identity Policy as published in high school handbook

Diocese of Sioux Falls:

Conforming with the Church’s Teaching on Human Sexuality in Education Settings

Diocese of Green Bay

2022-2023 Education Policy Manual

(New Policies: sexuality and gender identity)

Reconsidering Informed Consent for Trans-Identified Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults

Florida Medicaid

Generally Accepted Professional Medical Standards Determination on the Treatment of Gender Dysphoria

The Gender Industrial Complex

New Book! Detrans: True Stories of Escaping the Gender Ideology Cult

School-Based Health Centers

“We are Salt to the Earth”

‘The Evidence was Disappointingly Poor’


NEW! Title IX Regs

NEW! Dignitas Infinita

The WPATH Files

Love Means More

The Detransition Diaries

List of Female Athletes by Sport

This website is dedicated to archiving the achievements of female athletes who were displaced by males in women’s sporting events.

Comments on Sports Participation and Transgender Youths

Open Letter to the APA

WHO Should Go Back to the Drawing Board

Lifecycle of Transgender Ideation

School Assigns Boy to Sleep with Little Girl on Field Trip

Introduction to the Gender Framework

The Body-Soul United of the Human Person

An Instruction on the Human Person and Pastoral Issues Relating to Identity and Sexuality

National Catholic Bioethics Center


John Bursch

Natural Womanhood

Lost in Trans Nation

A Child Psychiatrist’s Guide Out of the Madness by Dr. Miriam Grossman

Identity Crisis: A Catholic Response to LGBT

From CatholicVote

Download Here

24 Must-Read Books for Elementary School Children

From CatholicVote

Boys vs. Women

Analytics show how even the fastest women olympians are still slower than boys in high school sports

Toolkit: Porn in Schools?

Download a comprehensive toolkit with steps to successful book removal in your local public school’s library

DFI: Pills and Pronouns

Parental Consent for OTC Medicine, Not for New Names or Pronouns

Institute for Research and Evaluation

Transgender Research: 5 things Every Parent and Policy-Maker Should Know


Resources on combatting pornography

and information on its link to Gender Dysphoria

Courage Is A Habit

Who is ASCA? Profiles

The Facts About “Gender Affirming Care”

For Children and Adolescents

New From The Ethics and Public Policy Center

Raising a Family in the Digital Age:
A Technology Guide for Parents

For Medical Professionals:

How to File a Federal Conscience Complaint

Looking for Support?

Click here to download our Updated Counseling and Support  Guide.

More Support Resources

Diocese of Arlington:

A Catechesis on the Human Person and Gender Ideology


Title IX, Male-Bodied Athletes, and the Threat to Women’s Sports

The Identity of the Catholic School for a Culture of Dialogue

From the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education

For Parents

For Teachers & Schools

For Churches and Ministry

We are grateful for the work of the Person and Identity Project which assisted our leaders in Catholic education in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis—including priests, Catholic school principals, and other members of parish leadership—to see the depth of gender theory’s influence and the seriousness of what is at stake. Our leaders in Catholic education were able to more deeply appreciate the challenges facing our Catholic educational institutions and more readily prepared to meet the pastoral need of students and families who are struggling with these difficult questions about our created identity as male and female.

Emily G. Dahdah, PhDAssociate Director of Catholic Education, Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis

The work of the Person and Identity Project is a major service to families and parishes navigating urgent issues around 'gender identity' and 'gender transition.' The information here is objective and up to date.

Deacon Patrick W. Lappert, MDDiocese of Birmingham

This is an excellent resource for Catholic school leaders, faculty, and staff! It is a tremendous support to have in one easily accessible location, sound research, information, and tools for schools to stay ahead of the curve on the issues of human identity all our schools are facing. There are great videos for use in teacher orientation. A guided discussion of the FAQs and the articles on the home page would make for a very rich in-service.

Elias J. MooSuperintendent of Catholic Schools, Archdiocese of Denver

I wanted to thank you for the single best presentation that I have seen on gender dysphoria, and our Catholic understanding of human anthropology.

Steve S.Seminar participant